Services & Rates

Cat Griffith, Massage & Reiki Practitioner


Cat took her 200 RYT in India.  While she was studying there she was introduced to Thai Massage, after she completed her yoga training she travelled to Thailand to purse courses in Thai massage.  She studied with the renowned Sunshine Thai Massage school in Chiang Mai,Thailand, where she completed  her Beginning & Advanced  training in Thai Massage.  Upon returning to the states Cat pursed Reki training and recurved her certification from Luz Duque in Miami, FL.  She also  began training with her Native American lineage and learning traditional ways of a medicine woman. She continues her studies with her elders as this is a life long learning path.  Cat incorporates all the wisdom she has gathered on her journey to support each individual she works with. She intuitively connects her clients and tailors each session according to their needs.